| Main-Page | Lage | Daskyleion in den antiken Quellen | Ausgrabungen | Vorachaemenidische Phase | Fruehachaemenidische Phase | Mittelachämenidische Phase | Spaetachaemenidische Phase | Postachaemenidische Phase | Paradeisos | Architektur | Reliefs | Keramik | Metallfunde | Funde aus Elfenbein | Numismatische Funde | Bullae | Siegel | Achaemenidische Wagen | Funde in dem Gebiet der Satrapie von Daskyleion | Die Spezialisten | Nachrichten | Bibliographie | Abbildungen | Sponsoren |

(früh- und mittelachämenidischen Phasen)


Achämenidische Wagen (Früh- und Mittelachämenidischen Phasen)

    Remains of two wheeled vehicles were discovered in situ, during the salvage excavations directed by Manisa and Bursa Archaeological Museums. Finds consist of iron wheel rims, nails and fellow clamps, as well as bronze linch pins, plaques and horse harnessing objects. Examination of the material from the Royal Necropolis of Sardis revealed parallelism with the whell construction of of the funeral carts depicted on Daskyleion stelai, as well as various Achaemenid chariot representations. Conservation and rekonstruction project of the wheels from Balýkesir-Üçpýnar Tumulus was completed in 1995 and their resemblence to Phrygian chariot finds from Gordion excavations and Beþtepeler Phrygian Tumulus in Ankara (METU Museum) were discovered.

    These two groups from Lydia and Mysia has become the first wheeled vehicle finds of Anatolia in the Achaemenid Period and the character of burials plays an important role in the interpretation of the long term discussion about the function of the carts on Daskyleion Stelai. (Hande Kökten-Ersoy)

| Main-Page | Lage | Daskyleion in den antiken Quellen | Ausgrabungen | Vorachaemenidische Phase | Fruehachaemenidische Phase | Mittelachämenidische Phase | Spaetachaemenidische Phase | Postachaemenidische Phase | Paradeisos | Architektur | Reliefs | Keramik | Metallfunde | Funde aus Elfenbein | Numismatische Funde | Bullae | Siegel | Achaemenidische Wagen | Funde in dem Gebiet der Satrapie von Daskyleion | Die Spezialisten | Nachrichten | Bibliographie | Abbildungen | Sponsoren |